Food and entertainment go hand and glove in Singapore. Arrival of people from plenty of cultures ensures that variety of food is available in Singapore. Thai, Indian, European, Malay, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Peranakan, Indonesian cuisine vies with one another for capturing the taste buds.

Although number of cuisines are available in Singapore, some of them are particularly associated with the island. Here is concise information about variety of singapore food:

Nonya Food
Nonya Food is delicious blending of Chinese, Malay and other influences. Nonya recipes pass from one generation to the next, and preparation of the dishes is time-consuming. Nonya cooking is all about the combination of spices, using pungent roots like galangal, turmeric and ginger; aromatic leaves like pandan leaf, fragrant lime leaf and laksa leaf, with other ingredients like shrimp paste, chilies, candlenuts and shallots. For making dishes tangy, ingredients like lemon, tamarind, belimbing (carambola) or green mangoes are used.
Halal Food
Sizeable chunk of Muslim population ensures availability of mouth-watering halal food. There are Malay Muslim and Indian Muslim food, both ever-ready to ignite the taste buds. Nasi Padang, a cooking style which originated from Sumatra, is a must try for the tourist. Indian Muslim or Mamak food is liked very much by the residents of Singapore and main dishes include mee goreng, rojak and mutton soup.

Vegetarian Food
Vegetarian eateries have witnessed significant growth in recent times. Delicious vegetarian dishes influenced by Indian and Chinese Tao traditions can be savored at these eating centers. Though non-veg food is more popular among both Singaporeans and the tourists, liking for vegetarian food is also increasing.

Sea Food
Singaporean seafood is the favorite of many visitors. Black pepper crabs, chili crabs, drunken prawns and deep fried baby squids are few juicy dishes not to be missed. Lobsters, chut chut (a cone shaped sea shell to be sucked) or raw cockles are also eaten. Eating barbequed sting ray from banana leaf is definitely an experience to savour. And there is no need to search for good seafood centers. They abound in every part of the island.

Inspired Cuisine
Singaporean cuisine evolved under the influence of China, India and Malay. Influence from such varied lands ensured that the Singaporeans learnt to cook an astonishing variety of dishes. Dishes of such diversified taste never cease to fascinate the tourists and they are never tired of experiencing.
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