
请大家给我提供一篇大约50词,词语不难的英语短文。 要有关中国有趣的传统文化习俗的! 有关中秋,端午和春节的就不需要了。
easter origins jesus crucified upon a cross, the third day easter holiday was born. easter festival with religious origins to countries in europe and the united states, easter is a major holiday after christmas. according to the "bible gospel according to matthew" argument in the cross of jesus christ three days after the revival of torture, and thus the establishment of this section. according to the western church tradition, the spring equinox festival (march 21) or a full day to see the first month after the spring equinox, the first encounter is easter sunday. eastern church provides that if one happens to appear in this first sunday, easter again postponed a week. therefore, generally in a section from march 22 to april 25 between. on the death of jesus christ, according to the christian creed is to change the world of crime. thus, in christianity, easter is of great significance. however, and christmas, along with social progress, easter religious overtones increasingly weak, as a folk festival features are becoming increasingly evident. 译文:复活节的起源 耶稣钉在十字架上了一个十字架,第三天复活节假期诞生了。复活节节的起源与宗教的国家在欧洲和美国,复活节是一个重要的节日圣诞节后。根据“圣经马太福音”的论调在跨耶稣基督三天后复活的酷刑,因此,设立这一节。 根据西方教会的传统,在春分节( 3月21日) ,或者一整天看到后的第一个月的春分,首先遇到的是复活节星期日。东方教会的规定,如果一个碰巧出现在这个第一个星期天,复活节再次推迟一个星期。因此,一般在一节从3月22日至四月 25升之间。死亡耶稣基督,根据基督教教义是改变世界的犯罪。因此,在基督教,复活节具有重要意义。但是,和圣诞节,随着社会的进步,复活节的宗教色彩越来越弱,作为一个民间节日的功能越来越明显。
Fuzhou Technical College 05 Thesis opened that report Specialized subjects: English Thesis topic: Eating Custom Differences Instructor: Students: Study: Open that report Time: November 25, 2007 1. Significance of the study subjects: an analysis of a Western diet cause of the inherent cultural differences, the significance lies in a profound understanding of both Chinese and Western cultures contribute to the differences, cross cultural communication barriers, but also people in cross-cultural training Communication at the adaptability to effectively avoid Communication cultural differences, the two sides due to the misunderstanding. Second, the content of this paper On cultural differences in the Western diet Food products because of geographical features, climate environment, customs and habits, and other factors, will appear in raw materials, tastes and cooking methods, eating habits, the different degrees of difference. It was precisely because of these differences, catering products with a strong breeding. The differences between Chinese and Western cultures create a Western diet cultural differences, and these differences come from the Western way of thinking and different philosophy of life. Chinese focus on "Nature and Man", Westerners focus on the "people-oriented." Here summary from the following three aspects in the Western diet talk about cultural differences. ① diet concepts ② difference between Chinese and Western restaurants targeted ③ diet of the different ways Third, the paper research results In Western culture have their own characteristics. Since the establishment of Western civilization into their systems since the different cultural backgrounds, the two differences from the disparity between different cultural backgrounds, resulting in both Chinese and Western values and ethical pursuit of the purport different direction, so that in reality personality of the West a very different creature. Formed in which cultural differences due to various reasons, the difference is remarkable. In the West point to a variety of Chinese and Western cultures we show the beautiful landscape, cultural differences to guide us towards the source of inspiration we ponder the nature of Chinese and Western cultures and the essence, we learn from each other to each other "to renounce." The "silence" traditional Chinese culture and the "soldiers" of Western culture so that the sense of responsibility in Eastern and Western thinking the right complementary, thus generating glorious picture of the human civilization. 4. References 1, "Bashu diet cultural aspect" of Sichuan People's Publishing House in 2001 2, "Western diet culture," China Light Industry Publishing House in 2006 3, "Comparison of Chinese and Western food culture" Sichuan Technology Publishing House in 2007 4, "Chinese food culture" Tourism Education Publishing House in 2005 5, the comparison of Chinese and Western food culture, "Food World" national 2003 1-12 period 6, life customs and eating "Sichuan Cooking" provincial 2001 8 7, Central and Western festival customs and eating "Cooking Journals of Yangzhou University," provincial 2001 1 8, French cooking Secret "Journal of the Sichuan cooking," provincial 2003 3
有的。首先,上坟时忌穿颜色鲜艳的衣服,清明节在扫墓的时候,不宜穿得过于显现,因为扫墓本来就是一件比较严肃的事情,所以着装尽量淡雅一-些, 大红大紫的颜色,在中国具有喜庆的意味,所以不适合在这样的场合出现,当然,清明节除了扫墓以外的时间,比如和亲人一起踏青什么的,衣着倒是没有太多的讲究,主要是看具体的场合吧。 另外,忌嬉笑打闹除了衣着上的讲究,言行举止也要有所讲究,不要在扫墓的时候嬉笑打闹,或者做一些不严谨的举止,因为按照老人的说法,这会惊扰了先人,也是对先人的不尊重的行为。所以扫墓的时候,尽量要恭敬和严谨些,以表达对先人的尊敬。 最后一点就是要注意上坟时的贡品。一般上坟都会带贡品吧,这些贡品是用来祭献祖先的,在没有给先人祭献之前的,人是不能先食用的。而是等_上供之后,大家回到家,再一起分享。如若不然,也是对先人的一种不尊重。没有先人,就没有后人,没有先人辛苦的付出,也就没有后人幸福的现在。所以我们对于先人的尊重,也是需要在清明节的时候体现出来的。
沈姓在百家姓中排列在十四位,目前来说,其人口是有600万人左右,排列第37位。 其源流很多,但是说的最多的一个源流,大概是出自于嬴姓。沈姓的先祖叫实沈,是黄帝的后裔帝喾之子。实沈氏族后来因与少昊氏部落杂居而东夷化,故为嬴姓。后来,他们建立了沈国。周昭王南征时,嬴姓沈国被灭,其子孙就以国为姓。 夏朝时,夏人建立了姒姓沈国。至周初,蒋国灭了姒姓沈国,沈人南迁到楚地的沈鹿,其子孙也改姓沈。 西周初年,文王的第十个儿子季载被封于沈(今河南平舆北)。公元前506年,姬姓沈国被蔡国吞并,沈国的后人就称为沈氏。 目前沈姓是江浙地区最常见的姓氏之一。
周姓,是中国第九大姓氏,也是一个多民族,多源流的古老姓氏之一了。周姓最初是发源于今陕西渭河平原地区。而到今天,周姓主要是分布在长江流域和淮河流域,形成了沿长江省份、豫鲁两块高比率的分布状况。 周氏的字辈: 1、山东周氏族谱山东省周氏字牌辈序:~隆、茂、庆、传、长、广、生(升)忠、厚、嗣(世)、志、永远、祯(元)、正、方。后又续序:志德开宏运达孝毓富祥教礼培家训信义作保章。 2、四川成都(现湖北恩施自治州)周氏字辈:太祖应朝忠,永远世代兴,丕振仙仁月,长源玉厚坤。 3、益阳大泉周氏字辈:贵文祖志一,永兴万代天,仁学宏宗益,世守绍前贤,继述声名显,由来达孝全,振起三以让,令德庆悠绵。 4、重庆市永川区邓家坳周氏(尚书公后裔)字辈:尚梦应康世,孙宗道仕友,子均仲忠万,以自时大章,华先维继述,裕后乐英贤。秩序本天定,彝伦在人全,谟烈由今绍,奕叶谱相传,家乘恪遵守,祥发永绵延 你还知道周氏有哪些字辈吗?
在198年前的今天,1815年12月10日 (农历冬月初十),计算机科学先驱爱达·勒芙蕾丝出生。奥古斯塔·爱达·金,勒芙蕾丝伯爵夫人(Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace,1815年12月10日-1852年11月27日),原名奥古斯塔·爱达·拜伦(Augusta Ada Byron),通称爱达·勒芙蕾丝(Ada Lovelace),是著名英国诗人拜伦之女,最著名的事迹为翻译意大利人查尔斯·巴贝奇早期的程式设计书《分析机概论》(analytical engine),爱达对翻译查尔斯·巴贝奇的《分析机概论》所留下的笔记,被认为对现代电脑与软件工程造成了重大影响。 你还知道哪些12月10日出生的名人?