写了第一本书后她离开了丈夫和儿子,搬到罗马居住。此后她与年轻的艺术家Felice Damiani有过短暂的恋情。而后与女作家和记者Giovanni Cena同居。Cena说服她将自己的故事写成一个虚构的回忆录(并采用西比拉·阿勒拉莫的笔名)。1906年,她的书出版。她也成为活跃在罗马的政治艺术人士。并曾经到罗马周边的贫困农村从事志愿工作。她后来成为意大利著名的女权主义者。
Una donna (A Woman, 1906)
Il passaggio (The Crossing, 1919)
Andando e stando (Moving and Being, 1921)
Momenti (Moments, 1921)
Trasfigurazione (Transfiguration, 1922)
Endimione (Endymion, 1923, play)
Poesie (Poems, 1929)
Gioie d"occasione (Occasional Pleasures, 1930)
Il frustino (The Whip, 1932)
Sì alla terra (Yes to the Earth, 1934)
Orsa minore (Ursa Minor, 1938)
Diario e lettere: dal mio diario (Diary of a Woman, 1945)
Selva d"amore (Forest of Love, 1947)
Aiutatemi a dire (Help Me to Speak, 1951)
Gioie d"occasione e altre ancora (More Occasional Pleasures, 1954)
Luci della mia sera (Lights of My Evening, 1956)
Lettere (Letters, 1958)
Aldrich, Robert and Garry Wotherspoon. Who"s Who in Gay and Lesbian History, from Antiquity to World War II. Routledge, London, 2001, ISBN 978-0-415-25369-7
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