各国对亚美尼亚种族大的态度 国家元首或议会承认 只有地方政府或地方议会承认
对亚美尼亚种族大的否认(英语:Armenian Genocide denial)
亚美尼亚外交(英语:Foreign relations of Armenia)
土耳其外交(英语:Foreign relations of Turkey)
^原文:“the death of 1,500,000 Armenians at the hands of the Turkish government”(英文)
^原文:“геноцид армян 1915 года в Османской Турции как тяжелейшее преступление против человечества”(俄文)
^原文:“duty to recognize and condemn the terrible events as genocide”(英文)
^原文:“a dark and painful chapter of their history”(英文)
^原文:“the genocide committed in 1915 by the last government of the Ottoman Empire”(英文)
^原文:“crimes against humanity suffered by the Armenian nation”(英文)
^原文:“that also means respect for life, respect for diversity”(英文)
^原文:“recognizes the mass killings of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire”(英文)
^原文:“the week of April 20 to 27 of each year as the week of remembrance of the inhumanity of people toward one another”(英文)
^原文:“the Armenian tragedy which claimed some 1.5 million lives”(英文)
^原文:“a policy of systematic extermination of the Armenian population on the part of the imperial authorities”(英文)
^原文:“the brutal genocide”(英文)
^原文:“resulted in the deaths of over 1.5 million Armenian citizens that lived in the lands of their ancestors for thousands of years”(英文)
^原文:“In 1915 1.5 million Armenians were killed”(英文)
^原文:“mass exterminations, ethnic cleansing, deportations and yes, genocide”(英文)
^原文:“planned and systematic mass murder”(英文)
^原文:“the memorial day of the genocide of the Armenians by Turkey”(英文)
^原文:“genocidio ai danni della minoranza armena, commesso anteriormente allo stabilimento della moderna Repubblica turca”(意大利文)
^原文:“the pains and suffering that the Lebanese-Armenian people lived through between 1915 and 1923”(英文)
^原文:“an occasion to mark this catastrophe embodied by the massacres committed against the Armenian people”(英文)
^原文:“calls upon the people of Lebanon to declare their solidarity with the Armenian people on this day”(英文)
^原文:“a genocide of the Armenian nation accomplished by Turks in Ottoman empire”(英文)
^原文:“to continuously and expressly raise the recognition of the Armenian genocide”(英文)
^原文:“Pamiec o ofiarach tej zbrodr. jej potepienie jest moralnym obowiazkiem calej ludzkosci. wszystkich panstw i wszystkich ludzi dobrej woli.”(波兰文)
^原文:“Condemns the perpetrators of the extermination of Armenians from 1915 to 1922”(英文)
^原文:“the physical extermination of the fraternal Armenian people in its historic homeland”(英文)
^原文:“Without a research, a country cannot be accused of committing genocide”(英文)
^原文:“L"extermination des Arméniens de l"Empire Ottoman pendant la Première Guerre mondiale a anéanti plus d"un million de personnes déportées et massacrées sur l"ordre du pouvoir ottoman”(法文)
^原文:“the massacres perpetrated by the Ottomans against the Armenians when they killed a million and a half Armenians and half a million Orthodox Syriacs in Syria and in Turkish territory”(英文)
^原文:“Día de recordación de los mártires armenios”(西班牙文)
^原文:“en homenaje a los integrantes de esa nacionalidad asesinados en 1915”(西班牙文)
^原文:“The Armenian genocide, which began the century, was a prologue to horrors that would follow. Two world wars, countless regional conflicts and deliberately organized campaigns of extermination took the lives of millions of faithful.”(英文)
^原文:“first scientifically planned, organized and executed genocide in the history of humanity”(英文)
^原文:“the regime of the "Young Turks" and their ideology of "Panturkism"”(英文)
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