英文 Aristocracy 一词来自古希腊文aristos(最优的)和 kratos(统治)两个词根。亚里斯多德在他的《政治学》中,提出六种政体,贵族制与寡头制相同,统治权由某个阶级中的少数人共有,但是贵族制是以公利为出发点,寡头制则是以统治阶级自身利益为出发。
Aristocracy 也可以用来指代贵族阶层或贵族社会。
Upstairs, Downstairs
The Jewel in the Crown
The Aristocracy: Born to Rule 1875-1914 (1997)
The Perfect Husband
Beerbohm, Max, Zuleika Dobson.
Bence-Jones, Mark. The Viceroys of India. Curzon family.
Brough, James. Consuelo: Portrait of an American Heiress Consuelo Vanderbilt"s marriage to the Duke of Marlborough. Marlborough family.
Bush, Michael L. The English Aristocracy: a Comparative Synthesis. Manchester University Press, 1984. Concise comparative historical treatment.
Bush, Michael L. Noble Privilege. (The European Nobility, vol. 1) Manchester University Press, 1983.
Cannadine, David, 1998 Aspects of Aristocracy (series Penguin History) ISBN 0-14-024953-2. Essays on class issues, aristocratic family norms, careers.
Cannadine, David. The Decline and Fall of the British Aristocracy. Yale University Press, 1990.
Channon, Sir Henry. Chips: The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon Robert Rhodes James, editor. Excerpts from the diaries of a privileged observer, 1934–53.
Country Life Magazine, Documenting houses, gardens, pictures, horses, local history, debutantes since 1897.
E·M·福斯特, 《霍华德庄园》(Howard"s End).
Galsworthy, John. The Forsyte Saga
Girouard, Mark. Life in the English Country House : A Social and Architectural History
Halperin, John. Eminent Georgians: The Lives of King George V, Elizabeth Bowen, St. John Philby, & Nancy Astor
James, Henry. The novels.
Jullian, Philippe. Prince of aesthetes: Count Robert de Montesquiou, 1855-1921. Montesquiou family; the Decadent movement and the original of Proust"s Baron de Charlus.
Lacey, Robert. Aristocrats. Little, Brown, 1983.
Lampedusa, G., The Leopard novel.
Lovell, Mary S. The Sisters: The Saga of the Mitford Family.
Mitford, Jessica. Hons and Rebels. ISBN 1-59017-110-1
Mitford, Nancy, Love in a Cold Climate
Montagu of Beaulieu, Lord (Edward John Barrington Douglas-Scott-Montagu). More equal than others: The changing fortunes of the British and European aristocracies. St. Martin, 1970.
Morton, Henry. The Rothschilds.
Nicholson, Nigel. Portrait of a Marriage : Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson
Pearson, John. The Sitwells: A Family"s Biography
Pine, Leslie G. Tales of the British Aristocracy. Burke Publishing Co. 1956.
Prochaska, F. K., editor, 2002. Royal Lives ISBN 0-19-860530-7 (Lives series) Excerpted official biographies from the Dictionary of National Biography
Proust, Marcel, The Guermantes" Way", Sodom and Gomorrah. The closed circle of French aristocracy after 1870.
Sutherland, Douglas, The Fourth Man: The story of Blunt, Philby, Burgess, and Maclean The double career of Sir Anthony Blunt, Keeper of the Queen"s Works of Art and spy.
The Tatler Magazine.
Trollope, Anthony The Plantagenet Palliser series of Parliamentary novels.
Wasson, Ellis, Aristocracy and the Modern World, Palgrave Macmillan 2006.
伊弗林·沃(Evelyn Waugh):《重返布莱兹海德庄园》、Decline and Fall.
Winchester, Simon. Their Noble Lordships: Class and Power in Modern Britain. Faber & Faber, 1981

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