"拉迪诺"这名字是"拉丁"的转化。这种语言也被称作 Judæo-Spanish 、 Sefardi 、 Dzhudezmo 、 Judezmo 以及 Spanyol ; Haquitía (源自阿拉伯语 haka حكى, "tell") 与北非方言有关,尤其是摩洛哥。这种方言在阿尔及利亚的Oran地区被称为Tetuani,是因摩洛哥城市Tétouan而得名,因为很多Oranais犹太人来自这城市。在希伯来语中,这种语言被称为 Spanyolit 。
和意第绪语一样, 拉迪诺语 近来在美国和以色列大学教育中渐有复苏,然而由于犹太族裔的族群比例因素,各大学倾向开设意第绪语课程而非 拉迪诺语 。目前美国有开设拉迪诺语言课程的大学有宾夕法尼亚大学和塔夫茨大学,至于在以色列则是耶路撒冷希伯来大学提供拉迪诺语课程。
Ashtor, Eliyahu, The Jews of Moslem Spain, Vol. 2 , Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America (1979)
Assis, Yom Tov, The Jews of Spain: From Settlement to Expulsion , Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem|The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1988)
Baer, Yitzhak. A History of the Jews of Christian Spain . 2 vols. Jewish Publication Society of America (1966).
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Dan, Joseph, "The Epic of a Millennium: Judeo-Spanish Culture"s Confrontation" in Judaism Vol. 41, No. 2, Spring 1992
Gampel, Benjamin R., "Jews, Christians, and Muslims in Medieval Iberia: Convivencia through the Eyes of Sephardic Jews," in Convivencia: Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain , ed. Vivian B. Mann, Thomas F. Glick, and Jerrilynn D. Dodds, New York: George Braziller, Inc. (1992)
Kaplan, Yosef, An Alternative Path to Modernity: The Sephardi Diaspora in Western Europe . Brill Publishers (2000). ISBN 90-04-11742-3
Katz, Solomon, Monographs of the Mediaeval Academy of America No. 12: The Jews in the Visigothic and Frankish Kingdoms of Spain and Gaul , Cambridge, Massachusetts: The Mediaeval Society of America (1937)
Kedourie, Elie, editor. Spain and the Jews: The Sephardi Experience 1492 and After . Thames & Hudson (1992).
Raphael, Chaim, The Sephardi Story: A Celebration of Jewish History London: Valentine Mitchell & Co. Ltd. (1991)
Sarna, Nahum M., "Hebrew and Bible Studies in Medieval Spain" in Sephardi Heritage, Vol. 1 ed. R. D. Barnett, New York: Ktav Publishing House, Inc. (1971)
Sassoon, Solomon David, "The Spiritual Heritage of the Sephardim," in The Sephardi Heritage, Vol. 1 ed. R. D. Barnett, New York: Ktav Publishing House Inc. (1971)
Stein, Gloria Sananes, Marguerite: Journey of a Sephardic Woman , Morgantown, PA : Masthof Press, 1997.
Stillman, Norman, "Aspects of Jewish Life in Islamic Spain" in Aspects of Jewish Culture in the Middle Ages ed. Paul E. Szarmach, Albany: State University of New York Press (1979)
Swetschinski, Daniel. Reluctant Cosmopolitans: The Portuguese Jews of Seventeenth-Century Amsterdam . Litmann Library of Jewish Civilization, (2000)
Zolitor, Jeff, "The Jews of Sepharad" Philadelphia: Congress of Secular Jewish Organizations (CSJO) (1997) ("The Jews of Sepharad" reprinted with permission on CSJO website.)
Sefardies.org Sephardic Genealogy and official web in Spain
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Consolidated Index of Sephardic Surnames
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