卢卡·西诺莱利在1441年至1445年间出生于托斯卡纳的科尔托纳,出生名为卢卡·埃吉迪奥·迪·文图拉(Luca d"Egidio di Ventura)。他的舅舅拉扎罗·瓦萨里(Lazzaro Vasari)是乔尔乔·瓦萨里的曾祖父,据乔尔乔·瓦萨里记载,拉扎罗曾送卢卡·西诺莱利到皮耶罗·德拉·弗朗切斯卡手下当学徒。卢卡·西诺莱利1472年在阿雷佐、1474年在卡斯泰洛城绘制作品。他曾送过洛伦佐·德·美第奇一幅画,珍妮特·罗斯和她的丈夫在1870年左右发现这幅画并将其交给柏林的一家博物馆,但二战中被联军的炸弹炸毁。
Henry, Tom; Lawrence Kanter. Luca Signorelli: The Complete Paintings. New York: Rizzoli. 2002.
James, Sara Nair, “Penance and Redemption: The Role of the Roman Liturgy in Luca Signorelli’s Frescoes at Orvieto” in Artibus et Historiae vol XXII, no. 44 Fall, 2001.
James, Sara Nair. "Vasari on Signorelli: The Origins of "The Grand Manner of Painting,"" in Reading Vasari , edited by Anne B. Barriault, Andrew Ladis, Norman E. Land, and Jeryldene M. Wood. London and Athens, GA: Philip Wilson Publishers and the Georgia Museum of Art, 2005.
James, Sara Nair, “Apocalypse in the Visual Arts” for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, published by Verlag Walter de Gruyter in Berlin (Germany), Volume A, 2009.
James, Sara Nair, “Antichrist in the Visual Arts” for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception, published by Verlag Walter de Gruyter in Berlin (Germany), Volume A, 2009.
Henry, Tom, The Life and Art of Luca Signorelli. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2012

本条目出自已经处于公有领域的: Chisholm, Hugh (编).大英百科全书第十一版. 剑桥大学出版社. 1911年.
Gilbert, Creighton.How Fra Angelico and Signorelli Saw the End of the World. Penn State Press. 2002. ISBN 0-271-02140-3.
Riess, Jonathan B. The Renaissance Antichrist: Luca Signorelli’s Orvieto Frescoes, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1995.

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