“阿科阿特莉”这个名字被用作阿兹特克首都特诺奇提特兰(Tenochtitlan)城高级官宦之一的头衔。阿科阿特莉负责管理城市内部事务,以制约特拉托阿尼(Tlatoani,纳瓦特尔语,阿尔忒佩又称“德斯科科”的统治者),阿兹特克统治者,管理阿兹台克领地的事务。阿科阿特莉控制特诺奇提特兰城军队、管理祭祀神灵,而且还是皇帝的高级顾问。公元15世纪,“特拉凯利尔”(Tlacaelel)曾在蒙特祖马一世(Moctezuma I)、阿萨亚卡特尔(Axayacatl)、蒂索克(TizocTizoc)和阿维索特尔(Ahuizotl)四位皇帝统治时期担任过阿科阿特莉.。
La Llorona (类似的现代神话)
Miller, Mary; and Karl Taube. An Illustrated Dictionary of the Gods and Symbols of Ancient Mexico and the Maya. London: Thames & Hudson. 1993, 2003. ISBN 0-500-27928-4. OCLC 28801551. Read, Kay Almere; and Jason González. Handbook of Mesoamerican Mythology. Oxford: ABC-CLIO. 2000. ISBN 1-85109-340-0. OCLC 43879188.
Sahagún, Bernardino de, 1950-1982, Florentine Codex: History of the Things of New Spain, translated and edited by Arthur J.O. Anderson and Charles Dibble, Monographs of the school of American research, no 14. 13. parts Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press
The History of the Indies of New Spain by Diego Durán, translated, annoted and with introduction by Doris Heyden
众神与礼仪书, by Diego Duran, translated and edited by Fernando Horcasitas and Doris Heyden, Chapter XIII
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