卡彭特生于科罗拉多州的博尔德,母亲是Marion Scott Carpenter,父亲 Florence [née Noxon] Carpenter 在哥伦比亚大学做博士后研究。高中毕业后进入海军学院训练中心成为航空学员。二战后于1945年11月进入科罗拉多大学博尔德分校学习航空航天工程。朝鲜战争期间,他进入美国海军服役,1958年成为大黄蜂号航空母舰_(CV-12)一名空中情报指挥官。1959年被选为NASA水星计划的成员。
他结过四次婚,离过三次婚。1948年与Rene Louise Price结婚,生育四个子女——Marc Scott, Kristen Elaine, Candace Noxon, 和 Robyn Jay;1972与电影制片人Hal Roach的女儿Maria Roach结婚,有两名子女——Matthew Scott 与电影制作人Nicholas Andre;1988年又与Barbara Curtin结婚,有一个子女Zachary Scott ,七年后再次离婚。1999年与Patty Barrett结婚 。
生前曾因中风进入医院接受治疗,并在医院病逝于2013年10月10日,享年88岁 。
"We Seven: By the Astronauts Themselves, ISBN 978-1439181034, by M. Scott Carpenter (Author) , Gordon L. Cooper (Author) , John H. Glenn (Author) , Virgil I. Grissom (Author) , Walter M. Schirra (Author) , Alan B. Shepard (Author) , Donald K. Slayton (Author),
For Spacious Skies: The Uncommon Journey of a Mercury Astronaut, ISBN 0-15-100467-6 or the revised paperback edition ISBN 0-451-21105-7, Carpenter"s biography, co-written with his daughter Kris Stoever; describes his childhood, his experiences as a naval aviator, a Mercury astronaut, including an account of what went wrong, and right, on the flight of Aurora 7.
Into That Silent Sea: Trailblazers of the Space Era, 1961–1965 , by Francis French and Colin Burgess, 2007. A Carpenter-approved account of his life and space flight.
The Steel Albatross, ISBN 978-0831776084. Science Fiction. A "technothriller" set around the life of a fighter pilot in the US Navy"s Top Gun school.
Deep Flight, ISBN 978-0671759032. Science Fiction. This follow-on to The Steel Albatross is an underwater outburst of war and action.

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