2008年11月她加入了奥巴马的政府团队中,担任奥巴马的特别助理和联合国安理会多边事务与的高级主管(2009年1月至2013年3月)。她的工作领域包括联合国改革、提高女性权利和LGBT权利、改善宗教自由和保护宗教弱势群体、保护难民与减少人道灾难、提倡在中东和北非普及和民主,她也是推动2011年军事干预利比亚战争的关键人物之一 。

她已经出版了四本书,其中包括曾获2003年普利策奖、专门研究美国对种族灭绝外交政策的 A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide 一书,该书介绍了美国对包括发生在1990年代卢旺达和波斯尼亚大在内的一些人道危机的胆怯反应 。
她丈夫 Cass Sunstein 也是一名哈佛大学法学教授和奥巴马政府的团队成员。
The Unquiet American: Richard Holbrooke in the World (coeditor with Derek Chollet, 2011) ISBN 1610390784
Chasing the Flame: Sergio Vieira de Mello and the Fight to Save the World (2008) ISBN 1-59420-128-5
A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide (2002) ISBN 0-06-054164-4
Realizing Human Rights : Moving from Inspiration to Impact (coeditor, 2000) ISBN 0-312-23494-5
"The Enforcer: A Christian Lawyer"s Global Crusade," The New Yorker , January 19, 2009
"Is Humanitarian Intervention Dead?" Slate , September 29, 2008.
"For Terrorists, a War on Aid Groups," The New York Times , August 19, 2008.
"The Democrats and National Security," The New York Review of Books , August 14, 2008.
"Saving Zimbabwe," Time , July 3, 2008.
"Rethinking Iran," Time Magazine , January 17, 2008.
"Access Denied," Time Magazine , September 27, 2007.
"The Void: Why the Movement Needs Help," New Republic , May 15, 2006.
"Punishing Evildoers," Washington Post , April 23, 2006.
Abramowitz, Morton, and Power, Samantha. "Democrats: Get Loud, Get Angry!" The Los Angeles Times , April 10, 2006.
"Missions," New Yorker , November 28, 2005.
"Talk of the Town: Boltonism," New Yorker , March 21, 2005.
"It"s Not Enough to Call It Genocide," Time , October 4, 2004.
"Abramowitz, Morton, and Power, Samantha. "A Broken System," The Washington Post , September 13, 2004.
"A Reporter at Large: Dying in Darfur," New Yorker , August 30, 2004.
"Break Through to Darfur," By John Prendergast and Samantha Power, The Los Angeles Times , June 2, 2004.
"The Lesson of Hannah Arendt," The New York Review of Books , April 29, 2004.
"Remember Rwanda, but Take Action in Sudan," The New York Times , April 6, 2004.
"Unpunishable," The New Republic , January 12, 2004.
"How To Kill A Country," Atlantic Monthly , December, 2003.
"The AIDS Rebel," The New Yorker , May 19, 2003.
"Robbing the Dead," The New York Times , February 23, 2003.
"Rwanda: The Two Faces of Justice," The New York Review of Books , January 16, 2003.
"First, Do No Harm," The Los Angeles Times , October 6, 2002.
"Bystanders to Mass Murder," The Washington Post , April 21, 2002.
"Genocide and America," The New York Review of Books , March 24, 2002.
"Witness to Horrors," The Washington Post , February 10, 2002.
"Bystanders to Genocide," Atlantic Monthly , September, 2001.

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