词条 TheGorgon"sHead(From:"AWonder-BookforGirlsandBoys")


1804年7月4日 - 1864年5月19日
A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys
Lineal ancestors of Rufus Rennington Young and Jane Vosburgh and of their descendants : genealogical, historical and biographical : compiled from various genealogies and histories for private distribution among interested parties and libraries with no pecuniary solicitions [sic] whatever
Microreproduction of original published: [United States : s.n.], 1937. 50 p., [2] leaves of plates : ports. Includes Cory, Van Alstyne, Van Buren and related families. Johan Matthaus Jung immigrated from the Palatinate of Germany to Ulster County, New York about 1710 and married twice. His grandchildren changed the surname to Young. Rufus Rennington Young (1814-1895) was of the fourth generation, and moved from New York to Iowa. Descen- dants lived in Iowa, Ohio, Indiana, Arkansas, Texas and elsewhere.
6.Another filming. Salt Lake City - Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1976. on 1 microfilm ; 35 mm. Filmed from East Asian Library, Columbia University, New York
本微卷缩小42倍率请用高度放大阅读机. 原书: [出版地不详] : 世德堂, 清干隆56[1791]. 6册. 始祖 : 鹿荣(守兴西江村) 散居地 : 河北省定兴县等地.
黄县郑氏家谱 [不分卷](别名:黄县郑氏家谱|Zheng Family Genealogy from Huang Xian Shandong Province China|Huang Xian Zheng Shi Jia Pu)
原书: 台北 : 文行出版, 1995年(龙冈印刷承印). 全1册(176页) : 世系表. 受姓祖 : (周) 桓公友. 宣王季弟. 封于郑,后以国为氏. 始祖 : 郑毅. 元末将军. 原籍湖北荆州府江陵县,奉诏东征,始迁山东黄县. 下有四子. 前三子不知所终. 仅存第四子郑文秀之后系资料. 三大派祖(5世) : (明) 郑敏(居南乡城,郑家沟等地) ; 郑海(居北宿郑家龙化村等地) ; 郑恺. 皆为希友公之子. 注 : 恺祖派远走失传. 此谱仅存敏, 海二派. 海公下三子 : 郑德财(入龙化) ; 郑德源(北宿支) ; 郑德莪(失考). 昭穆 : 毅文清希海 德福兰秉仲 得照思允三 克可有元廷 清恒延祖绪 广大振贤声 体仁遵圣道 诚心立儒行 尔祥从善致 乃业自人宏 兴毓传贻永 万世笃忠贞. 散居地 : 山东省黄县等地. 书名据书衣题, 书名页题, 及版心题编目.
Genealogy of the Leong Clan = 梁家谱, From the 17th generation Wah See gong, 2017
原书: 稿本影印, 公元1985年. 1册: 世系表.
如皋郑氏族谱 [14卷, 首1卷]
如皋始迁祖 : 郑客民名克明(明) 散居地 : 江苏省如皋县等地 封面题 : 郑氏族谱 Microfilm from East Asian Library, Columbia University, New York.Salt Lake City : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1977. -- 1 reel ; 35mm.
192 p.: ill., gen.tables. The study on the family politically influential for generations resulted from feudalism during the periods of Warring States(403-221 B.C) 世族者, 封建制度之产物也.春秋时代, 各国大夫皆世袭守土, 谓之世族.本书则侧重春秋时代世族之全体说明. Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong : Genealogical Society, 1975. - 1 reel ; 35mm.: handwritten