词条 Waverley;Or,"TisSixtyYearsSince—Volume2


Edward is at ease in the family estate owned his uncle, Sir Everard Waverley, who maintains the family"s traditional Tory and Jacobite sympathies. He spends time with his parents as well, though less time after his mother dies when he is about 12 or 13 years old. His Whig father works for the Hanoverian government in nearby Westminster. Edward has a sense of his honour, but he starts life with no political affiliation. Edward is given a commission in the Hanoverian army by his father and posted to Dundee. After some military training, he takes leave to visit Baron Bradwardine, a friend of his uncle, and meets the peer"s lovely daughter Rose.……
1771 年 - 1832 年
Tis Sixty Years Since