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Catalogue entry

Eight woodcuts with title page and tailpiece on handmade paper, printed by François Lafranca, Lugano, Switzerland, published by Peter Blum, New York and Zurich in an edition of 35
Each inscribed ‘Francesco Clemente’ b.r. and ‘5/35’, P07848 and P07838 not inscribed
Purchased from Peter Blum Editions (Grant-in-Aid) 1983

P07833 [from] High Fever 1982 [ P07830 - P07838 ; P07848 ; complete]
Woodcut 21 3/8 × 14 (543 × 356) on paper 27 × 21 1/4 (686 × 540)

Clemente titled this portfolio in Italian, ‘Febbre Alta’. It is accompanied by a booklet with a poem by Valerio Magrelli which the artist translates into English as foll...

Image: 543 x 356 mm
Woodcut on paper