词条 SteepTrailsCalifornia,Utah,Nevada,Washington,Oregon,theGrandCanyon


1838年4月21日 - 1914年12月24日
6.Another filming. Salt Lake City - Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1976. on 1 microfilm ; 35 mm. Filmed from East Asian Library, Columbia University, New York
本微卷缩小42倍率请用高度放大阅读机. 原书: [出版地不详] : 世德堂, 清干隆56[1791]. 6册. 始祖 : 鹿荣(守兴西江村) 散居地 : 河北省定兴县等地.
Also on microfilm. Salt Lake City _ Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1985. on 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm
晋江龙塘始祖 : (宋) 王元勋 龙塘1世祖 : (宋) 王均畴,号廿七致政 散居地: 福建省晋江县及台湾省等地. 
6.Another filming. Salt Lake City : Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1971. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm
原书: [出版地不详 : 出版者不详], 民国2[1913]. 5册 : 世系表. 吴中始祖 : (唐) 归崇敬,字正礼. 虞山始祖 : (宋) 归罕仁. 散居地 : 江苏省常熟县等地.
Another filming. Salt Lake City _ Filmed by the Genealogical Society of Utah, 1976. on 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm
原书: 写本, 择善堂, 民国34[1945]. [7]双叶. 十二世始祖 : 刘彦琼配黄氏 散居地 : 广东省宝安县及香港等地  封面题 : 刘家开基族谱
如皋郑氏族谱 [14卷, 首1卷]
如皋始迁祖 : 郑客民名克明(明) 散居地 : 江苏省如皋县等地 封面题 : 郑氏族谱 Microfilm from East Asian Library, Columbia University, New York.Salt Lake City : Genealogical Society of Utah, 1977. -- 1 reel ; 35mm.
The family history of James and Ann Leeson
Microreproduction of original published: Port Alberni, B.C. : E. Leeson, 1972. 52 p. Includes Hall, Harrigan, Hoare, Markle, Nodwell, Sim and related families. James Leeson married Anna Collier, and the family immigrated in 1842 from Ireland (via New York to homestead land near Orangeville, Peel County, Ontario. Descendants and relatives lived in Ontario, Saskatchewan, British Columbia and elsewhere. Some descendants immigrated to Washington and elsewhere in the United States. Other descendants immigrated to New South Wales in Australia.