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Catalogue entry

Sol LeWitt born 1928

P77014 - P77018 Five Forms Derived from a Cube (Set of 5) 1982

Five woodcuts printed in watercolour on Kizuki Hanga paper, printed by Michael Berden, Boston and published by Multiples Inc., New York in an edition of 25
Each inscribed ‘LeWitt" b.r. and ‘25/25" b.l.
Purchased from Multiples Inc., New York (Grant-in-Aid) 1984
Exh: Sol LeWitt, Prints 1970-86 , Tate Gallery, Sept.-Nov. 1986 (W3, repr.)
Repr: [Jeremy Lewison], Sol LeWitt, Prints 1970-86 , exh. cat., Tate Gallery 1986, p.45

These six woodcuts (see also P77013 ) represent the images which LeWitt...

Image: 558 x 597 mm
Watercolour and woodcut on paper