词条 MayDodge,MyNan



This is one of the works Emin exhibited in her first solo exhibition, My Major Retrospective, at White Cube, London in autumn 1993. Believing she might never have another exhibition, the artist displayed objects she had collected over the years, including teenage diaries, souvenirs, toys, paintings , drawings , tiny photographic relics of destroyed work, unsent letters to boyfriends and relatives and her first quilt, Hotel International (1993, private collection). Framed memorabilia referring to her family and comprising photographs , text and objects include Me and Paul 1963-93 (private collection), Uncle Colin 1963-93 (private collection), Dad 1993 (Tate X08679) and ...

Displayed: 162 x 182 x 181 mm
Wooden box, glass, dool and 5 works on paper, photographs, ink, printed papers and wool