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Catalogue entry

P07556 [from] UNTITLED 1980 [ P07555 P07560 ]

Each inscribed ‘Judd’ bottom right and ‘2/ 150’
Six aquatints, printed at Styria Studio, New York, published by J&D Fine Arts, New York, each approx 20×25 (50.8× 63.5)
Purchased from Schellmann & Klüser (Grant-in-Aid) 1981

The six images [ P07555 - P07560 ] relate closely to Judd"s parallelogram prints (1969) and to his four untitled woodcuts printed in red (1980). The present portfolio consists of a series of images where horizontal white bands are precisely masked out of an etched aquatint ground. The configuration of the bands is different in eac...

Image: 508 x 635 mm
Aquatint on paper